I don't have a job.... teardrop
I don't have a car.... teardrop
I don't have a place to live... two teardrops
I don't have self confidence.... two teardrops
I don't have friends... teardrop
I let a man use me... teardrop
I have two deadbeat baby daddies... teardrop
I fell in love with a married man. He told me he would leave her but he is still with her... teardrop
I got pregnant, he made me get an abortion.. two teardrops
I'm pregnant Again, this time I'm keeping it... teardrop
I told my boyfriend and he is pissed!
I needed a place to live, so now I live with my boyfriend, his wife, their kids, me and my kids and a baby on the way... uncontrollable teardrops
Dang girl I ran out of tissues!!!!