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Tanka Poems


I so fear my muse It's unbothered and little. It has goofy styles And a sick attitude too It jiggle; I feel frightened.


I Love my aging It is just so Bold and Wild. It has fun, big life And fascinating stories When it sings, I feel Happy!


I so dig my weight of course its thick and solid. It has a soft shape And a Flattering gut too When it moves, I feel complete!


Oh, my funeral What a sight so sad and strange. With friends and lovers And mad beautiful family When it ends, my soul anxious.


I like my mistress She is so sexy and smart. She has deadly looks And six Personalities When she smiles I am aroused.


Love my valentine He is so intuitive. With a handsome look And a dreamy voice I feel He kisses; I feel gleeful.

~Nichole Nichole

Tanka is a Japanese poem consisting of five lines, the first and third of which have five syllables and the other seven, making 31 syllables in all and giving a complete picture of an event or mood.

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