My stomach is in knots but here I go...
Blue suit out the cleaners.
My new shoes just adds to my smart Demeanor.
Resume refreshed and up to date, new skills even added,
Feeling like a million bucks and elated.
Meeting with five directors and they all give me great feedback.
A 2nd interview? This is it! I feel I have the job after meeting with the wolf pack!
The president of the company had in-depth questions that all started with "tell me about a time when".
I'm sweating as his questions get intense, I feel like I ran 20 miles on the treadmill at the gym.
With a pleasant smile and firm handshake, he sends me on my way, with all his questions answered, I feel like I've been robbed of my intellectual abilities.
After a month of no response and I even sent a follow up "thank you for meeting with me" email, which is proper etiquette.
Finally, a response! Are you serious!?! I didn't get the job...and here I thought it was heaven sent....
" With a pleasant smile and firm handshake, he sends me on my way, with all his questions answered, I feel like I've been robbed of my intellectual abilities." My favorite line. This poem was well spoken and very relatable! I know I definitely been there.