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Divine Soul

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Discovering my Divine Soul to reveal to the world and let it be known.

I am here to bring Energy that Motivates and Inspires others,

that want to be inspired for the better

and to do better while here on earth.

To also touch souls

where I awaken their hearts,

their minds, and they understand life is what you make it.

Do Better Each Day,

Show up, and Be Present in all activities that bring meaning.

Convey to others from 8 to 80,

to take care of themselves Mentally and Physically

and not deteriorate at a fast pace.

If you Look better, you Feel better, you Do better. 

Exhibiting to others to Be Mindful of how you interact with individuals.

Being nonjudgmental, as what's good for you may not be good

for someone else. Understanding one's plight.

It's that Divine Soul that captures the

world by storm and for a moment alleviates the

stress of life.

Divine Soul, Progression is key!

©Nichole Nichole

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